Media Release – From Lance Balcombe – TasNetworks CEO
“The technical and economic analysis of Marinus Link and supporting transmission shows the benefits of more interconnection between Tasmania and mainland Australia. Marinus Link will unlock Tasmania’s renewable energy and storage resources, helping Australia’s transition to a low emissions future. Recent analysis highlights that Marinus Link could triple Bass Strait transmission capacity.”
TasNetworks, working with the Australian Energy Market Operator (AEMO) has identified that a 1500 MW capacity Marinus Link is technically feasible. TasNetworks analysis is that this capacity will deliver benefits to the National Electricity Market (NEM) and generate significant economic stimulus in regional Tasmania and Victoria. The findings will be outlined in detail in the Project Marinus Business Case Assessment due this December.
“A 1500 MW Marinus Link represents an increase in capacity of 300 MW from the previous modelled capacity of 1200 MW. The design ensures that this capacity can be supported by both the Tasmanian and Victorian power systems”.
In addition to providing access to Tasmania’s ‘world-class’ wind resources, this increase in interconnector capacity will unlock Tasmania’s cost-competitive storage resources, as identified in Hydro Tasmania’s recently completed pre-feasibility study, jointly funded by the Australian Renewable Energy Agency (ARENA).
Both AEMO and the Energy Security Board (ESB) recently highlighted the need for investment in critical national transmission infrastructure to be delivered in time to meet key market conditions and support a transforming energy sector.
AEMO’s recent insights paper showed that the Nation needs a portfolio of flexible generation and energy storage options and supporting transmission infrastructure right across the NEM. These options need to be in place in time to meet significant retirement of coal generation, which could be as soon as the mid 2020s.
Project Marinus considers Marinus Link and the supporting transmission. TasNetworks is undertaking the business case assessment, with funding support from the Australian Renewable Energy Agency (ARENA), the Tasmanian Government and the Commonwealth Government. As part of this assessment, the Regulated Investment Test – Transmission (RIT-T) for Project Marinus is underway and engagement with government, industry, customers and communities continues.
Media contact Dan Sinkovits 0417 767 124